Wise Folder Hider Pro Full Version Gratis 2025

Wise Folder Hider Pro

Wise Folder Hider Pro Full Version Free Download [Terbaru]

Wise Folder Hider Pro Terbaru Full Version adalah program yang akan menyembunyikan fole atau folder anda dengan sangat aman dan terlindungi. Anda dapat dengan mudah menyembunyikan file atau folder penting anda, sehingga orang lain tidak akan tahu keberadaan file atau folder yang anda sembunyikan menggunakan aplikasi Wise Folder Hider Pro Terbaru ini. Bahkan jika ada orang lain yang mencoba mengubah pengaturan folder di windows explorer menjadi show hide folder, file atau folder yang disembunyikan dengan aplikasi ini tidak akan terlihat. Wow benar-benar aplikasi yang hebat bukan.

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Wise Folder Hider Pro Download

File atau folder tersebut hanyak akan terlihat ketika anda membuka aplikasi Wise Folder Hider Pro  Terbaru ini. Kemudian untuk dapat mengakses folder tersebut anda harus memasukkan password yang sudah terlebih dahulu buat. Disini juga terdapat sistem pengamanan ganda dengan 2 password. Jadi file atau folder anda akan benar-benar terlindungi oleh software Wise Folder Hider Pro Terbaru ini.

Features Of Wise Folder Hider Pro

  • Advanced Encryption Algorithm Protects Your Private Data from Priers
    Wise Folder Hider Pro adopts advanced encryption algorithm, providing much more enhanced security than the free version for files and folders on your Windows PC. Wise Folder Hider Pro defends your private files from being found/read by a third-party tool.
  • Second Password Makes Your Hidden Files & Folders Double Secure
    Wise Folder Hider Pro offers users an optional higher level of security. Users can set a second password for each of the files and folders hidden by Wise Folder Hider Pro. For those who have some real confidential files, they can rest assured knowing that their hidden files are double secured.
  • More Secure and Convenient to Modify protected files:
    Different from other folder hiders, when it comes to modifying a hidden file or folder, users don’t have to unhide it, edit it, and then hide it again. A single click of the ‘Open’ button will open the hidden file or folder, so it becomes visible to you. Then you can edit or modify it like it has been unhidden. When you are done editing, close the program and the file or folder will become hidden again automatically, saving you extra steps. This amazing feature comes in handy when you hide some files that you use or edit frequently.
  • Context Menu Option & Super User-friendly Interface
    The interface of Wise Folder Hider Pro is very intuitive. Even a first timer can get the hang of it in a minute. Better yet, while installing this program, an item called ‘Hide File/Folder with Wise Folder Hider’ is automatically added to the context menu. Users can hide files or folders by right-clicking them without launching Wise Folder Hider Pro.

Product Information

  • File Name: Wise Folder Hider Pro
  • Developer: WiseCleaner
  • License Type: full_version
  • Version: v5.0.8.238
  • Uploaded by: Gigapurbalingga Team

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating System: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7.
  • Required RAM: 2 Gigabytes RAM (4 GB recommended).
  • Required Storage: 200 MB or more.

Cara Instal

  1. Download dan ekstrak file “Wise Folder Hider Pro Full Version” ini.
  2. Ekstrak juga file patch yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
  3. Instal programnya seperti biasa.
  4. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke dalam programnya.
  5. Buka folder patch, lalu copy pastekan file patch ke dalam folder instalasi program “Wise Folder Hider Pro” di pc atau laptop anda.
  6. Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
  7. Pada bagian product, silahkan pilih wise folder hider.
  8. Isikan email dengan bebas namun dengan format yang benar.
  9. Klik Patch host.
  10. Klik Activate.
  11. Done.

Download Links 

Terbaru Version

Previous Version

File Size: 7 MB

Password: 123

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